Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tinker Bell Dress and Wings

Sam wanted to be Tinker bell for a party so we had to make her a dress and wings. She has an old green dress that we cut a layer of ruffles off and sewed on green tulle to give it that wispy look. For the wings I watched the video I found at this web site, www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/fairy_wings. I bought 10 feet of 10 gauge wire; I like the thicker wire so the wings won't lose their shape. I found the shape of the wings I wanted and enlarged them on the back of some wrapping paper that has grids on it. I love the wrapping paper that has the grids on the back. Then I began shaping the wire to my form, this was a bit tricky. Bend, shape, re-bend and then re-shape. I used the wire in one continuous piece and the used duck tape to hold it all together in the center. I bought 2 pairs of little girls white tights, no seam would have worked better, and cut the legs off at the crotch. I stretched the hose over the wire, cut off a little more hose and sewed them all together in the center. I used 15 feet of 1 1/2" ribbon, I cut the ribbon exactly in half and crisscrossed it in the center. I sewed them to the center of the wings and then added the cute stuff. Glitter on the edges and a piece of a boa and some wispy feathers covering the ribbon in the center. Note to myself, no glitter on the inside, it's scratchy, so I had to add white felt so it won't touch her back.

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