Friday, November 5, 2010

Corn Maze

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to my brother in law Danny, my brother Travis and my nephew Taylor. All three helped me in collecting the 4' x 8' sheets of coroplast that make up the walls of my Corn Maze that was part of my Church's Harvest Festival. The kids loved it and they go through it over and over and over again. Since the sheets are 4 foot tall the smaller kids can't see over the sides and they have to figure out how to get out of the there. Mom's and Dad's can see over the edge so they can help the smaller ones get out of there. Some of the rows lead to a dead end and you also have to watch out for the three little pigs and there's a cow in there somewhere. The maze is 18' x 18' and it takes over an hour to put up. I use wooden stakes and tape to hold up the walls but this year there was a bit of a breeze and I had to use ladders to help hold the outside wall up. I think next year we will need a scarecrow and maybe a tunnel to crawl through. Happy Harvest Ya'll.

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