Monday, January 2, 2012

Homemade Vanilla Extract

I saw a recipe for homemade vanilla extract so I decided to give it a try. Real vanilla has alcohol in it, it is usually vodka but I decided to try rum and vodka. I purchased 2 vanilla beans for $4.00 and the vodka was $8.50. I split the vanilla bean lengthwise and cut it in half so it would fit in the bottle. I placed the bean in the bottle with 1/3 cup of vodka and in the other bottle 1 bean and rum. The beans need to sit in the liquor for about 60 days and you need to shake the bottle daily. The

bottle with the blue top is the rum and the clear liquor is the vodka. I mixed a small amount of the vanilla with a small amount of sugar and taste tested them. The vodka vanilla tasted just like the vanilla I buy. I didn't particularly like the rum vanilla even though I would prefer to drink the rum. Vodka and 1 bean = about $5.00

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